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OCR: PACKAGED SOFTWARE REVENUE (MELICHSI Worldwide Worldwide 1995 1994: Private Company 1995 65 Thomson Software Products 101 Mercur ? Norwalk, CT 06856 Founded: 1995 $48.2 CLO: Jean-Luc Badanit hng://www.thomsoft.com N.A. CEO/President: llen Goodwin 66 Insignia Solutions Ple. 2200 Lawson Lane 30.8 Santa Clara, CA 95054 Founded: 1986 17.9 http://www.insignia.com Chairman/CEC/President: Robert I. E.ce 67 63 Landmark Systems Corp. 8000 Towers Crescent Drive Founded- 1982 46.9 44.9 Vienna, VA 22182 http://www.landmark.com Chairman: l'atrick H3. McGettigan CEO President: Katherine K. Clark 68 79 Visual Edge 19925 Stevens Creek Blvd. Software Ltd. Cupertino, CA 95014 Founded: 1985 President: Michael Foody 45.5 http://www.wedge.com 69 76 Aportus 7275 Flying Cloud Drive Foundedt 1979 44.2 38.8 Technologies Inc. Eden Prairie, MN 55344 http:/ /www.apermis.com Raberr D. Gordon 70 68 American Software Inc. 170 East Paces Ferry Rd. Founded. 1970 44.1 43.3 Atlanta, GA 30305 http://www.amsoftware.com Chairman: Thomas I .. Newberry CLO/President: James C. Edenfeld! 71 66 Synon Corp. 1100 Larkspur Landing Circle Founded 1986 43. 43.6 Larkspur, C.A 94939 hup://www.synon.com Chairman: William O. Grabbe CEO President: Richard H. Goldberg 72. 85 Computron Software Inc." 301 Rante 17 North Founded: 1978 $3.5 29. Rutherford, N1 07070 hr://www.ctronsoft.com Chairman/CFC: Andreas Typaldos President: Joe Esposito 73 Inso Corp. 31 St. James Avc. 43.4 23.5 Biston, MA 02136 Founded 1982 http://www.inso.com CEO/Fresident: Steven R. Vana-Pashia 74 10€ Tivoli Systems Inc. 9.142 Capital of Texas Hay N Ausmm, TX 78759 Founded: 1989 Chairman: Eric L. Jones 43.3 24.9 http://www.tivili.com CEO/Fresident: Franklin Moss 75 Pure Software Inc. 1309 South Mary Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Founded: 1991 43.3 21. http://www.pure.com Chalman/CEO.President Reed Hastings 76 61 Caere Corp. 100 Cooper Court Los Gatos, CA 95030 Founded: 1976 Chairman/CLO: Robert G. Teresi 41.7 45.1 http://www.chere.com 77 Antares Alliance Group 17304 Preston Rd ., Suite 1200 Founded: 1993 Dallas, TX 75252 40,8 34.0 http://wwwantaresalliance .com CEO Presidemn: Jahn Cavalier 78 PC Docs Group International inc. 25 Burlington Mall Rd. Burlington, MA 01803 Founded: 1978 40.5 21.7 http://www.pcdoes.com Chairman: Rubin Osten U.S. CEO. Larry Bohin U.S. President: I. Scont Kadlec 79 87 Manugistics 2115 E. Jefferson Sr. Founded: 1969 40.0 31.9 Group Inc. Rockville, MD 20852 ChairmanNCEOrPresident: William M. Gibson 80 75 Macro 4 Plc.' 35 Waterview Blvd. P.O. Box 292 Founded: 1968 39.9 38.8 Parsippany, NJ 07054 Chairmanse Terence P. Kelly http://www.macro4.com U.S. CFO: Bob Hess 81: 95 Project Software & 20 University Rd Founded: 1968 3.9.6 Development Inc. Cambridge, MA 02138 28.1 http://www.podi.com Chairman'CED: Robert L .. Daniels President: Dean Goodernate 82 82 Group 1 Software Inc. $200 Parliament Place 39.6 33.3 Suite 600 Founded: 1991 Lanham, MD 20706 ChairmaryCEO: Robert S. Bonca http://www.gl.com President: Rocald K. Friedman 83 80 BGS Systems Inc. 128 Technology Center Founded: 1975 39.4 34.0 Waltham, MA 02254 http://www.bes.com Harold S. Schwenk Jr. 84 85 Platinum Software Corp .. 195 Technology Drive 39.0 38.4 Irvine, CA 92718 Founded: 1984 http://www.platsoff.com Chairman: Carmacks Santoro CECVPresident: I .. George Klaas 85 98 The Coda Group Plc. " 1155 Elm St. 26.4 Manchester, NH 0510) Founded: 1979 38.9 Chairmane Redirey Potts President: Robert Brown